Cockroaches are stealthy creatures that usually go undetected until their population has grown exponentially. Because these pests prefer dark, hidden spaces and are usually active at night, it can be hard to identify an infestation early. But there are telltale signs that indicate the presence of roaches in your house. If you notice such signs, contact pest control professionals at Green Pest Services for immediate elimination. These professionals will address the root cause of the issue to fully eliminate an active infestation and prevent future infestations. Below are signs that cockroaches have invaded your home:
Sightings of Live Cockroaches
Finding a roach scuttling across the kitchen floor, near drains, or bathroom walls clearly indicates an infestation. But because these pests are nocturnal, finding them during the daytime suggests a more serious issue. Typically, this occurs when the hiding spots of roaches become overcrowded because of a huge population. Roaches usually infest areas such as near kitchen sinks, appliances, or stoves, bathrooms, laundry rooms, and basements.
Cockroach Droppings
Roach droppings strongly indicate an infestation. Because such creatures eat anything, their waste can have a varying appearance, depending on the species and their diet. If you have a roach infestation in your house, you may find small, pepper-like black specks that resemble black pepper or coffee grounds and cylindrical feces that look ridged or segmented. These droppings can cause smells or stains on counters, walls, or inside cabinets.
Unpleasant, Musty Odor
Cockroaches tend to release pheromones as a way to communicate and attract mates. If an infestation escalates, this scent becomes more noticeable and can linger in infested areas. This damp, musky scent tends to intensify over time and can impact food, paper materials, and fabrics.
Egg Casings
Cockroaches multiply quickly and can leave behind egg casings or oothecae in areas they infest. Such brown, oval-shaped sacs contain several eggs inside. They are often found inside kitchen cabinets, pantries, or drawers, behind furniture and huge appliances, inside cardboard boxes, under sinks, near plumbing fixtures, and inside cluttered storage spaces.
German cockroaches carry their eggs cases until their hatching stage. Other species leave these egg cases behind in safe locations. Finding empty or intact egg cases warns you that new roaches are emerging soon.
Exoskeleton or Shed Skin
When cockroaches grow, they molt many times before reaching adulthood. These pests shed their outer skin and leave behind shell-like remains. Such discarded skin indicates an infestation. They can be found near hiding areas like under sinks, along baseboards, and in dark corners. Also, cockroaches may leave their exoskeleton in kitchen cabinets, near food storage areas, and behind appliances and furniture.
Grease Smears and Streaks
Usually, roaches crawl along walls, baseboards, and countertops, leaving behind greasy smears. Such marks appear as roaches secrete oily substances while they navigate their surroundings.
Unusual Noise at Night
Typically, cockroaches are silent; however, in huge infestations, you may hear faint sounds of their movement and clicking noises at night. Such noises happen when these pests scurry around, move through paper materials and clutter, and climb surfaces. They can be heard inside walls, particularly near plumbing, in pantries, near garbage bins, and storage rooms, and behind appliances or cabinets.
Steps to Take If You Spot These Signs
Take action right away after spotting warning signs of roach infestation to prevent it from escalating. Cockroaches reproduce rapidly and waiting to address the problem makes it even more difficult to eliminate them.
Start by identifying the seriousness of the infestation. Then, implement thorough cleaning and sanitation measures. Use baits, traps, or natural remedies to target cockroaches, especially the kind of species you have. Hire pest control services if the issue persists.